The News & Observer

The McClatchy Co.

Raleigh, N.C.

Investigative reporter (October 2020-Present)

Specialize in high-impact journalism about North Carolina as part of the statewide investigative team for The News & Observer, The Herald-Sun and The Charlotte Observer.

DeWitt Wallace Center
for Media & Democracy

Duke University

Durham, N.C.

Adjunct lecturer (August 2017-Present)

Teach undergraduate courses at the DeWitt Center for Media & Democracy, housed at Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy, with a focus on data and in-depth journalism, including "Journalism in the Age of Data," "Gerrymandering & the Press" and the "Data Journalism Lab."


Capitol Broadcasting Co.

Raleigh, N.C.

Investigative reporter (May 2013-October 2020)

Specialized in reporting in-depth and longform stories with a public records and data focus for's state politics team. Collaborate with other reporters in TV and online for multi-platform packages.

Nieman Foundation

Harvard University

Cambridge, Mass.

Murrey Marder Nieman Fellow in Watchdog Journalism (August 2016-May 2017)

Researched best practices for democratizing data-driven reporting for underserved communities.

Reporters' Lab

Duke University

Durham, N.C.

Managing editor (November 2011-May 2013)

Lead and manage research project aimed at reducing costs of public affairs reporting. Work with journalists to identify common newsroom problems and integrate tools and techniques created, modified or tested by the lab. Engage open-source developers, academic researchers and companies to find new technology for handling public records and data. Manage team of freelancers responsible for testing and reviewing journalism tools. Primarily responsible for writing and editing all content on

School of Journalism
and Mass Comm.

UNC-Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, N.C.

Adjunct lecturer (August 2012-December 2013)

Teach undergraduate students basics of news writing, including editorial judgment, interviewing, story organization and development, copy editing, researching and media law and ethics.


Various publications

Raleigh, N.C.

Journalist (February 2010-March 2013)

Regularly publish articles for The Charlotte Observer, The News & Observer and the Raleigh Public Record, specializing in science and technology feature stories. Author of Stump the Geeks, a News & Observer technology column syndicated by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

Student Media

N.C. State University

Raleigh, N.C.

Production Assistant (June 2010-November 2011)

Advised and trained student staff of the Technician, the student-run daily newspaper, and other Student Media publications. Assisted college journalists in all facets of production, from story conception to page design to online publishing. Advised students on media law and ethics. Organized and managed frequent training sessions on a variety of media topics.

News 14 Carolina

Time Warner Cable

Raleigh, N.C.

Web Producer (July 2008-June 2010)

Managed statewide Web content. Wrote and updated breaking news stories for the Web. Edited and rewrote TV stories for Web. Created graphics, edited photos and managed video to supplement Web copy. Launched and managed social media platforms. Created and produced Web exclusive multimedia content.

The Wall Street Journal

Dow Jones & Co.

Princeton, N.J.

Dow Jones Newspaper Fund copy editing intern (Summer 2007)

Edited stories, briefs and graphics and wrote headlines for the Asian, European and domestic editions of the paper. Edited page proofs. Communicated with editors and writers to fix problems in copy.


N.C. State University

Raleigh, N.C.

Editor-in-chief (April 2006 – May 2007)

Ultimately responsible for all content. Led a staff of about 100 employees. Responsible for crafting the vision and future of the newspaper. Responsible for the public image of the newspaper in the community. Set and enforced long- and short-term goals for the staff. Prepared an almost half-million dollar budget and approved expenditures. Led the instruction of a four-week, eight-hour journalism training course for about 40 new employees.

Extensive knowledge of:

  • Investigative reporting and longform writing
  • Teaching/coaching reporting and writing
  • Social media engagement
  • Excel and other spreadsheet programs
  • Public records acquisition
  • Journalism tools for handling data and documents
  • Computer-assisted reporting techniques

Proficiency in:

  • Python and Django framework
  • Javascript and jQuery
  • SQL
  • R
  • GIS and mapping for reporting and presentation
  • Writing for radio and television news broadcast
  • HTML, CSS and website development
  • Leadership and project management
  • Design and photography principles

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, N.C.

B.S., Science, Technology and Society (May 2008)

Journalism minor

  • Journalism in the Age of Data

    Fall semester, ongoing
    Sanford School of Public Policy
    Duke University
    Durham, N.C.

  • Gerrymandering & the Press

    Spring semester, 2019-2020
    Sanford School of Public Policy
    Duke University
    Durham, N.C.

  • Webinar: From Numbers to Narrative

    Poynter Institute
    St. Petersburg, Fla.

  • Advanced Open Water Diver, Scuba Schools International